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100-Year Celebration Professional Development Sessions

August 27, 2024
2 – 2:50 p.m.

Panel on the Impact on NC Workforce and Community

Attend a panel discussion on the transformative effects of continuing education in our workforce development initiatives at NC State and beyond. Our panelists will explore how programs such as NC Works, RTI International, NC State Extension, and the NC State’s Collaborative located in Rocky Mount, have supported economic growth and enhanced workforce competencies throughout the state, through innovative collaborations and educational strategies. 

Stories to Strategies: Persuasive Storytelling in Action

In this workshop, you’re not just sitting and listening; you’ll be actively engaging, creating, and sharing stories. You will start with a quick overview of what makes a story genuinely persuasive, touching on the genius of Robert Cialdini’s principles of persuasion and how cognitive biases and emotional triggers can subtly influence our brains.

Then, the real fun begins!

You’ll break into groups for hands-on exercises.

You will craft and share stories, applying what you have learned in scenarios that fit all walks of life — from corporate strategies to entrepreneurial pitches, educational challenges, and even collegiate events. It’s all about making storytelling a versatile tool in your arsenal.

Using Technology to Build Emotional Intelligence for the Workforce of Tomorrow

As we prepare for the workforce of tomorrow, it will be critical to break down modern-day communication barriers that exist in the workplace. Join us for a unique virtual reality experience that immerses participants in a workplace culture clash. Discover how new technologies can increase empathy and understanding between managers, teams, and professionals to create a more inclusive and productive culture. 

Unlocking Opportunities: Building Career Pathways with Non-Degree Credentials

This session will focus on the evolving trend of non-degree credentials and their direct relevance to the future of work. Participants will discover the wealth of resources available at NC State specifically designed to support the development and implementation of these credentials. The session will also explore key elements to developing successful credentials, such as analyzing labor market trends, identifying essential skills for the future, understanding the target audience, fostering industry partnerships, and applying effective pedagogies tailored for non-degree-seeking learners.

Your Future After Work – Planning for Purpose in Life’s Second Half

You’ve had a successful and meaningful career, but it’s time to enter the next phase of your life: retirement. This milestone and phase can be both daunting and full of opportunity.

In this workshop, we’ll talk about the non-financial aspects of life’s second half. How do you discover your purpose in retirement? How do you find your identity when it isn’t attached to a job? How do you approach exploring, learning and staying curious in retirement?

The 125 Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes across the country are among the many organizations that seek to help retirees explore and answer these questions. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at NC State University is delighted to welcome Catherine Frank, Director of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNC-Asheville as presenter and facilitator of this conversation.

Outcomes: Soon to retire and recently retired attendees will feel more comfortable with and focused on the task of finding purpose in retirement. Attendees will become more familiar with Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes as a resource for learning and finding meaning in retirement.